
This is a python wrapper over the (famous) Cassowary incremental constraint solver.
It uses the c++ implementation (0.6) as backend.

The original c++ code is somewhat refactored to remove memory leaks 
by using reference counting, and is usable alone.

The refactoring was done somewhen in 2002, and the code is not touched much since then.
The Finite-domain part (using GTL graph library) is not tried/tested; it might or might not work.

repository: svn co https://dbcook.svn.sf.net/svnroot/dbcook/cassowarypy

how to compile/install for python:
 * the c++ code needs g++ 3.3.3 and won't compile on any higher versions.
   it also compiles on some MSVC.
 * 'swig' is also needed
 * if the default C++ compiler is one of those, just 'python setup.py install' would do. 
   Then run python test.py to see if all works.
 * else, u have to install one of these compilers and fight with distutils to make it use that one.
   e.g. "CC=g++-3.3 python setup.py install" might work

My code is licensed under MIT-license. 
Original Cassowary code is licensed under LGPL.

Original cassowary Web Page: (last update about year 2000)

have fun

svilen_dobrev at users point sourceforge point net